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Day Hike: Meandering through meadows in San Pedro Parks

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Day Hike: Meandering through meadows in San Pedro Parks

San Pedro Parks Wilderness is a unique alpine landscape that takes hikers through mixed conifer forest to one lush meadow after another at an elevation that averages around 10,000 feet.

Located east of Cuba in Santa Fe National Forest, the wilderness area provides abundant opportunities to find solitude in a tranquil setting. A popular access point is Vacas Trail, which can be found by taking Forest Road 70 off of N.M. 126. San Gregorio Reservoir is about a 1-mile hike from the trailhead and is a popular spot for fishing. Other trails fan out north from here deeper into the wilderness.


A stream flows through San Pedro Parks Wilderness. 

The “parks” in San Pedro Parks refers to the many large meadows that are scattered throughout the wilderness. Bluegrass, oat grass, sedge, rush and Rocky Mountain iris are among the varieties of grasses found in the meadows, which can remain wet and boggy even late into the summer. San Gregorio Reservoir is the only lake of size in the wilderness, though there are many mountain streams.


A fisherman sits along San Gregorio Lake in the San Pedro Parks Wilderness. 


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