I think you can tell a lot about a person by the podcasts they listen to, and there's truly something for everyone: news junkies, true-crime devotees, history buffs, conspiracy theorists, bookworms, Gilmore Guys ... 

In her frequent Pod Patrol items, our fearless leader Carolyn Graham shares nuggets gleaned from podcasts so varied I wonder how she has time to do life around listening to them: Cautionary Tales, Disgraceland, Hyperallergic, The Dollop, The Lonely Palette, 99% Invisible, You Must Remember This are just some of the shows I am now aware of thanks to her. Carolyn takes away something fascinating, relevant, enlightening, educational from each; she's curious and clever, the consummate editor.  

Then there's me.

Welcome to the weekend, Pasa people!
Welcome to the weekend, Pasa people!
Welcome to the weekend, Pasa people!

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