The world opens up to David Roop when he rides his longboard long distances.

Roop, who goes by the trail name Moondog, picked up thru-skating in his mid-30s and now has the pleasure of explaining what that is to curious townsfolk when he rolls in with his backpacking gear and an eye out for a good time.

It’s not all that hard to describe. Thru-skating is basically thru-hiking or bikepacking but with a skateboard. In Moondog’s case, it also involves embracing chance opportunities, accepting invitations into strangers’ homes within minutes of meeting them and getting into serendipitous adventures.


Justin Bright, left, and David "Moondog" Roop take a rest at Taos Plaza on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, on a thru-skate across New Mexico from El Paso to the Colorado border.


Justin Bright, left, and David "Moondog" Roop skate down a curvy hill near Arroyo Hondo on Wednesday, April 13, 2022, during a thru-skate across New Mexico from the Mexico border to Colorado.


Roop, left, and Bright longboard north along N.M.-522 last year in El Prado on a thru-skating trip. What they found in New Mexico was welcoming people, incredible landscapes and absurdly strong spring winds. “There were days where we would be going downhill and there was such a headwind that it would stop you,” Roop said.


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